This is Day 1 of the Advent Calendar for 2015. Open more doors here >>

“Are you in earnest? Then seize this very minute. What you can do, or dream you can, begin it; Boldness has genius, power and magic in it; only engage and then the mind grows heated; Begin, and then the work will be completed.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I love this. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Wow. Engage – get started – and your mind will have all sorts of amazing ideas! I guess like a seed, an idea starts as something small but with a lot of care and love it can become something as amazing as a huge oak tree. Everything big starts with something small. A spark of a thought that becomes bigger and bigger and before you know it – boom – something’s happened. Nothing will happen if you don’t actually BEGIN though will it? That’s the key right there. BEGIN and the work will be completed.


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So today, I challenge you to think about what you want to do in your business next year. Maybe you want to start a blog, or set up a mailing list, maybe you want to set a goal for the number of customers you’re going to work with or the amount of money you’re going to make, maybe you want a client in another country or you want to take your business online, perhaps you want to speak at an event or start your own networking group, franchise your business or tackle a new audience. Dream it in a notebook, on the back of an envelope, on a postcard –  it doesn’t really matter where as long as you do it – and then BEGIN. Don’t forget about it, make sure to keep thinking about that thing you want and to plan exactly how it’s going to happen. Be bold, dream big and get it done.


In the comments below: What’s your big dream for next year? 


Open door 2 >>

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