This week I’ve been carless so as well as using public transport to get to the office I’ve also been walking my daughter to nursery and back. Which has been interesting!

On a Thursday Daddy always takes her home and he always takes her to the shop to buy a Kinder Egg on the way. So my daughter knows that when she gets to walk home, she gets a Kinder Egg. Some of the way to nursery this week she’s saying – “we’re nearly at the Kinder Egg shop Mammy” and on the way home she’s saying: “The Kinder Egg Shop is just over that hill”, “That’s the Kinder Egg shop Mammy!” – she knows exactly what she wants and she has expectations from the walk – even if she doesn’t get what she wants. She is laser focussed on her goal.

So this week I was wondering – what are you laser focussed on in your business?

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Click to Tweet: “Strengthen your brand and get laser focus on what you need to be focussing on


A new client of mine is laser focussed on doing whatever she can to kick up a fuss, cause a rumpus and make a noise for small businesses to get them noticed. She will stand on her head for her clients, she’ll speak out for them, get them introduced to whoever they need to know and make things happen.

Another client of mine is laser focussed on making a difference in the world by educating people on and providing them with products which are good for the world and good for people.

What is YOUR focus?

Mine is to help businesses look better so they can attract more business and make money so that the people who run those businesses can have a better life.

It’s really worth thinking about this and working it out so that you can use this information in your business to strengthen your brand and help you focus more on what you need to be focussing on.

Let me know what you are laser focussed on in your business, in the comments below.

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