Change your mind, change your life. It sounds so simple, but there are still so many people that struggle with this concept. Why is that? It’s because we get comfortable. We get too comfortable in the box of limitations that we have built in our minds. We forget that there is a huge world outside of our tiny box. So why aren’t we exploring it?

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We get too comfortable in the box of limitations that we have built in our minds.


The quick answer is fear. Those four letters always stop us from going after what we want. They stop us from experiencing life because we just don’t know how to let go of fear. It’s not something we were born with. We didn’t come into the world scared of what if’s. We came in ready to play, ready to explore, fall down and then get right back up. But somehow between our childhood and adulthood, we started becoming fearful. And then after that, we slowly built this box in our minds. A box that we are scared to step out of, even though we can at any given time.

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We didn’t come into the world scared of what if’s.


Fear is a misconception. Fear says that if you aren’t certain about what the outcome will be, you should be scared. Even though there’s an equal possibility it can be either good or bad, focus on the bad and don’t even bother trying to do it. Well guess what? That’s fear talking to you.

Yes, you can fall. Yes, you may even fall more than one time. But, guess what? You may also fly. And flying is really why you are doing this in the first place. You’ve always wanted to fly. You’ve always wanted to test your wings. So go fly. Don’t let fear talk you out of it. Don’t let anyone talk you out of it. Just do it. Follow your dreams and the path will naturally illuminate in front of you.

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Follow your dreams and the path will naturally illuminate in front of you.


Download your free worksheet to let go of fear
Download your free worksheet to let go of fear

So changing your mind means letting go of fear and any limiting beliefs that you have been holding on it. Change does not happen overnight because it takes a lot of work. But it is so possible to change if you put your mind to it. Ignore the negative self-talk. You have all the tools you need, an open mind and an open heart. Listen to that inner voice, is it telling you what you can do or what you can’t do? It is up to you to train your mind to see the good in everything. There are infinite possibilities, so why focus only on the negative ones?

Here are the two biggest tips I can give you on letting go of fear:

  1. Decide what you want
  2. Go after it

Download your free worksheet here to help you let go of fear.


Jessica CatalinaJessica Catalina is a millennial world changer committed to leaving a positive impact. After discovering meditation and the power of positive thought in 2009, Jessica has experienced immense transformation. She created a movement called LovEvolution to inspire people to love the world and each other, regardless of race or personal beliefs. Jessica is also very passionate about empowering future generations to live more consciously from the heart.

Find Jessica on Instagram and on Snapchat 

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