Strategic daily activity = excellence.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit” Aristotle I blogged just the other week about being consistent with your brand. The same font, the

Branding To Do List

There's a lot of pieces involved in creating a successful brand. The first part - the part with the most pieces - is the most important because considering all of

How to work out your brand values?

Brand values are one of the most important things that you need to be aware of when you're thinking about your brand. That's because your brand values are your guiding

How to create brand awareness

What is brand awareness? Brand awareness is how familiar other people are with your brand and how well they recognise it. And that is really what I'm all about creating for

Keep marketing.

Have you seen the news about the government wanting us to cut our marketing and our prices? The idea is that businesses cut "their prices for consumers using money they
It's all in the preparation

It’s all in the preparation

One of the things we love to do is spend the day in the woods. There's a fortnightly event that we go to now (we're on our third visit, I